Rougj serum, krema, krema za telo, maska!

Rougj serum, krema, krema za telo, maska!

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Human skin, like all other organs, undergoes chronological aging. In addition, unlike other organs, skin is in direct contact with the environment and therefore undergoes aging as consequence of environmental damage [1].

The primary environmental factor that causes human skin aging is UV irradiation from the sun. This sun-induced skin aging (photo aging) [2], like chronological aging, is a cumulative process. However, unlike chronological aging, which depends on the passage of time per se, photo aging depends primarily on the degree of sun exposure and skin pigment [3]. In human skin, the exposure to UV radiation increases reactive oxygen species (ROS) synthesis and proteolytic enzymes (as collagenases and elastases) which contribute to collagen fragmentation and elastic fiber loss leading to wrinkle formation [4,5].

Type I collagen is the major structural protein in skin. Collagen destruction, along with damage to the other structural components of the skin (i.e., elastic fibers) occurring over decades is thought to underlie the characteristic alterations in the appearance of aged skin and the additional changes that result from chronic sun exposure [6]. Mechanisms of collagen destruction in aged or photo damaged skin are not fully understood. Collagen damage is due, at least in part, to degradation by matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) released from epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts. MMP levels in skin increase as a function of age [7].

Hyaluronic Acid (HA), another basic molecule into the ageing process, is found in great concentrations in the skin tissue cells and in the skin’s extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM is composed of elastin and collagen surrounded by a gelatinous, HA rich substance. HA's roles in the ECM is to help the stretchy fibers from overstretching and drying out by continually bathing them in this nutritious water base gelatinous fluid. The HA provides continuous moisture to the skin by binding up to 1000 times its weight in water. With age, the ability of the skin to produce HA decreases and thus its ability to stabilize the extracellular scaffold. As HA and collagen, vitamins are also important in maintaining the physiologic homeostatic stability of a healthy skin [8].

Considering this key role molecules, Rougj has formulated an innovative Serum Skin care line, that offers strong performances into preserving a Healthy skin, and offering a long lasting anti-ageing effect.

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All our products are:

Collagen Serum Drops Anti-Age (Figure 1)
Table 1. Ingredients and effects

Collagen Serum Drops Anti-Age In vivo results: The aim of the test, performed by Chelab s.r.l., is the in vivo evaluation of the anti-wrinkle efficacy of a cosmetic treatment on intact healthy human skin (21 volunteers, sex: F, age: 35 – 65 years. Average age of panel: 49 years). The volunteers, have not to apply any make up, cream or lotion in order to avoid possible interferences in the measurements and in the test results. the volunteers have applied the sample, according to the instructions of use. The instrumental controls have been performed at T0: before the beginning of the test. Observation of the skin’s basal values, T1: after 7 days of application and T2: after 15 days of application.

The DERMATOP BLUE (Figure 2) system is dedicated to non-contact local measurement of skin topography for the evaluation of cosmetic products and treatments mainly for skin care and anti-aging.

Based on a patented fringe projection unit using blue light combined with imaging technics. It compares the results obtained evaluating the volunteers at time 0 and after the treatment with the product to be tested.

Figure 2. Operative acquisition of the images with the DERMATOP BLUE system.
For the evaluation of skin before and after the treatment, the two most representative parameters have been chosen:

1. Rz (mm): Average Maximum profile height difference: represents the average width of the negative peak.

2. Ra (mm): Linear average profile roughness: represents the arithmetical average of the parameters of wrinkledness calculated on the micro profile of the skin.

Figure 3. Results of the In vivo experimentation

Considering the obtained results, we can conclude that in the conditions expected by the test the product. Collagen Serum Drops Anti-Age is able to change the micro-relief of the skin, in terms of reduction of wrinkles.

In fact, with the continuous application of the product for 15 days we have pointed out an average reduction of R parameter (wrinkledness). Ra parameter - which represents an arithmetical average of wrinkledness parameters calculated on the micro profile of the skin is reduced by -8.6% on the average. Rz parameter – which represents the average width of the negative peak is reduced by -7.0% on the average. For each considered time (T1 e T2), the differences in comparison with T0 are statistically significant (Table 2).

Table 2. Reports the significate indexes obtained after the application of Student’s test (level of
Significate; Alpha=5%).

Hyaluronic Serum Drops Moisturizing (Figure 4)
Table 3. Ingredients and effects

Multivit Serum Drops Antioxidant (Figure 5)
Table 4. Ingredients and effects

Multivit Serum Drops Antioxidant In vitro results/Antioxidant activity: in vitro evaluation, performed by Abich laboratories (Vimodrone, Milan, Italy), of the protective effects against the cell release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) after UVA exposure.

The aim of this test is to evaluate the efficacy of the sample in reducing ROS release in response to
UVA in a skin-derived cell model. The stimulus with UVA rays is used to trigger the cell oxidative
response. The intensity of ROS release is measured through fluorimetric analysis.
DCFH-DA (Dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate) is a redox-sensitive fluorescence probe that easily diffuses inside the cells, where it loses its di-acetate (DA) unit by cell esterases cleavage. It is converted into DCFH, exposing its reactive site that reacts with intra-cellular ROS and is oxidized into dichlorofluorescin (DCF), a highly fluorescent molecule. Cells were seeded in 96-well plates for 24 hours and then fresh medium is added with scalar dilutions of the tested sample ranging from 500 to 16 μg/ml. Untreated cells are used as negative control. Cells treated with vitamin C at 150μg/ml act as positive control. The product was dissolved in the culture medium. Part of the cells were checked for their vitality with the NRU assay. The remaining cells were then exposed to UVA irradiation for different times. At the end of the exposure period, the ROS formation is investigated through DCFH-DA.
The cell culture medium is removed and the cells are washed in buffer solution. The Dichlorofluorescein
acetate (DCA) solution is added to each weel. DCA is reacting with free radicals in the medium,
originating a fluorescent derivative, and the fluorimeter allows to obtain a quantitative data
related to the ROS content in the cells.
After suitable incubation, the DCA solution has been discharged and the cells have then been exposed
for different times to UVA irradiation and soon after read in the fluorimeter. The cell viability after UVA exposure and without UV exposure is checked by NRU (Neutral red
uptake) assay. The NRU assay is based on the cell ability to incorporate and bind the Neutral Red
(NR), a vital dye. The NR is a week cationic dye that penetrates the cell membrane through a
mechanism of non ionic diffusion and that is accumulated in the lysosomes, on matrix anionic sites.
Cell and lysosome membrane alterations cause lysosomes fragility and gradual irreversible changes
in the cells. These changes induced by xenobiotics determinate the decrease of NR uptake and of its
linkage to lysosomes. This method is able to discriminate alive, damaged or dead cells. Cells are incubated with scalar concentrations of the products and with the Neutral Red solution (NR). If the
membrane is damaged, it releases the dye in the medium.
After incubation, the medium is replaced with fresh medium + NR medium and cells are incubated for 4 h at 37°C. Then cells are washed more times to eliminate exceeding dye wastes and read at the
colorimeter. The average Fluorescence and the standard deviation of each set of cell cultures (negative and positive controls, samples) is calculated. The ROS value of each non-irradiated sample is subtracted from the value of irradiated sample. A reduction of ROS release in the cells treated with the sample compared to untreated cells, especially if dose-related, is a proof of antioxidant/scavenging effect. The intensity of the effect is proportional to the percentage of inhibition.

Figure 6. Profile of ROS (expressed as percentage) reduction at different sample concentration and at different irradiating time
As visible in Figure 6, the Multivit Serum Drops does shows antioxidant/scavenging capability, in fact it Exhibits an inhibitory UV-induced ROS release in human Keratinocytes, where the highest effect (-18%) could be appreciated at 500 μg/ml concentration of Multivit Serum Drops. 

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